Sunday, November 25, 2007

Last day of the miner's strike

The day after Thanksgiving is when people get up at 4 in the morning to be lining up outside shops at 5, so they can make the most of the sale. And so since my mum and Pat liked shopping so much, I thought we'd do that... Well I met them halfway with the times, and we got up at 5 instead!

So at about 7:15, we were in Burlington mall, we had breakfast in Starbucks, and then spent maybe 2 and a half hours in the mall before driving to Durham, to a shop called Guitar Centre, and then to another mall in Durham (we 'stumbled across this one, honest...). After lunch in Subway, we drove to Raleigh, where we went to another mall and another Guitar Centre! And so at about 7:00, we drove back to Amber and Kenneth's house. The only problem we didn't foresee was how we were to transport all the things we bought back to Franklinville (my truck has no boot). And so with barely enough room for my mum in the back as it is, we piled what seemed like an ever increasing amount of bags around and on top of her. After everything was in the truck, all you could see of my mum was her head!

And so for a person who doesn't really 'do' shopping, that's my year's worth done, and in the process, I made two women vow they would never enter another shop with me again...



Pat said...

Hi Mo
Well, its now 9.40pm and we still haven't packed yet!! and trust me we have sooooooooooo much to pack.
We start back home tomorrow (Monday), and arrive Tuesday morning. I am really glad everything is going well with the rehearsals and i am really pleased Kyle is still coming. Can't wait to see how it's all going, and can't wait to see you all.
David please remember us to everyone at the prayer meeting and keep praying for Chris and his work here, give them our love and please pray for a safe and easy journey for me & Mandy.
See y'all soon

Revs. Doug and Mary Miller said...

Please let Chris know if you want him to bring something back from the US for you. He has plenty of space in his suitcase. Right?