Friday, January 25, 2008

The last few weeks...

It's been a while since I last posted, but here's what's happened during the last 5 weeks:

I got back home in the afternoon, a big difference between Franklinville and Crewe, but good to be home anyway.

My plans for the new service at Coppenhall have come a long way during the two months I've been in America, and also the five weeks I've been back in Crewe, and also through two more meetings with David during the time back in Crewe also.

First of all, the new service will be called Re:Generation, it will run every other Wednesday between 7:30 and 8:30, starting on 6th February, at Coppenhall North Street Methodist Church. The first part of the service will be worship, led by our worship team, which includes the Re:Generation worship band, and a person who leads us in prayer. The worship will be made up of a group of worship songs, and also a congregational prayer, where the congregation has the opportunity to ask for something specific to be prayed for.

Afterwards, there will be a short 'opening' talk, lasting between 5 and 10 minutes, which will introduce the theme for the evening's service, and also the main biblical ideas relating to the theme. The congregation will then split into smaller groups, around 6 people, to discuss what has been said, lead by a group leader. The main idea the 'group discussion' is based upon, is the success of the Alpha Course, which uses the same approach, and also the idea that if through Re:Generation, we are hoping to bring people to faith, what better way to do this than to allow people to openly ask questions and discuss their ideas with people who are already Christians.

The themes will be grouped into series, each lasting about 3 or 4 services. At the end of each series, we will have a sermon, rather than a group discussion session, to 'wrap up' what's been discusses during the previous weeks. This will normally be lead by a local preacher.

We are still discussing what the best way to end the service is; up to now, the two ideas are to either have the Re:Generation band play another worship song at the end, or to have a short spoken ending followed by some quiet music played through the speakers.

Promoting the service has gone really well, I'm talking with the leader of the C.U at MMU in Crewe, hoping she will help promote Re:Generation at MMU, we've been on page 38 of the Crewe Chronicle (23rd Jan), and also page 2 of the Crewe Mail (23 Jan). I also had the opportunity to give every church leader in Crewe a promotion pack during a joint service for all churches in Crewe a few days ago.

So Re:Generation starts in less than two weeks time, I'm sure that with so many people praying about this, everything will go fine. Depending on the success of recording the service (since it's failed to record everytime so far), I'll upload a clip of the band playing, and the main spoken parts too.


Pat said...

Hi Chris, I am so glad i decided this morning to log onto the Blog just to see if anyone had added anything.
Just wanted to say I am really looking forward to the 6th Feb and Re:Generation, I may be SLIGHTLY older than the people you are trying to attract, but I am young at heart!!!
You have worked so hard to get this time of worship off the ground; I know God will be really chuffed when we all meet together and Worship Him, He will have such a grin on His face, and will be proud of another one of His children. :o)

Amber said...

Your latest blog post sounds great. We are all so excited for you here at Grays Chapel! We are praying for God's hand to lead the services and that He will draw people who do not know him, but also those who need to draw closer. I know you are going to allow Christ to be Glorfied and we are all so proud of you! Amber

Anonymous said...

Man, am I stoked for you and the church. God is so good. What a great plan and start. To think of how the Holy Spirit has put all the pieces into place.
I love the name it has nice double meaning. I know the worship will be later today (UK time) and we are praying for you and the team here in North Carolina. I am fasting today for the Spirit to surround and fill Re: Generation.
Today is also Ash Wednesday. It has always been a time of preparing ourselves for the risen Savior. How cool that you are getting to do that in a whole new worship setting.
Jesus rocks,
Doug Miller
Grays Chapel, North Carolina, USA

Revs. Doug and Mary Miller said...

Hi Pat, We keep checking the post as well. Chris has us all dependent on his blog site. We need a 12 step program on how to get out of it. Smile. This message is for you, Chris, and everyone else who has logged on. We are praying for you that God will bless you in a mighty way. May the works that you do be transfigured to glorify God. --Mother Mary
(Now Pat...get back to work!!! Smile.)

Revs. Doug and Mary Miller said...

In my dissertation/research on how music and the arts can connect churches with their communities, I came across Jeremy Begbie's "Theology of the Arts" project he is doing at St. Andrews College in Scotland. (When I'm done with his book, I can send it to you. His book is called Incarnation Through the Arts.) Begbie is a leading researcher in this field. I know you have your heart set on going to university in London, but it would be worth it to check out his program on worship arts. I believe he has arranged various concerts and arts events around the UK as well. --Mother Mary

Revs. Doug and Mary Miller said...

P.S. Does everyone in Crewe know that Rebecca Hampton from Grays Chapel is doing a college internship in London for the next three months. She left yesterday. Doug thinks she can get our suitcase back, Mandy! I would rather pick it up myself. Anyway, perhaps Doug can get her address from her folks and send it to you. She will be there 3 months not 2 like you Chris. So you know the challenge that comes along with that. Pray for her. We'll be praying, too. --Mother Mary

(My dissertation is due next week. Can you tell I'm getting distracted? Sigh.)

Mandy said...

Just got back from the first Re:Generation evening. It went really well although not as many there as we would have hoped. Maybe it was a good thing though as there were a few small technical hitches. The good thing was that we had some folk join us who had never been to church before.
Mary, please let Rebecca Hampton know that she will be welcome in Crewe if she fancies a visit. Not sure about letting my lovely suitcase go though!!
Now get back to that dissertation Mary.
Much love to all