Wednesday, February 6, 2008

First Re:Generation Service!

Well, I've just came back from the first Re:Generation service, and in my eyes, it was more than a success.

We had about 20 people here, partly due to the football match (England's playing), but the small number of people turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

We opened with our band playing four worship songs - Lord I lift your name on high, Better than life, Here I am to worship, and Light of the world. After this, our prayer leader lead us in prayer, where our congregation had the opportuniy to ask for people or situations to be prayed for. After this I introduced the series of services, which I've called Knowing God, and then went on to talk about tonight's theme - Knowing God's Nature.

What we planned to do after that, was split into smaller groups, of around 6-8 people, and have a group leader to lead and direct the conversation in each group. Because of the small number of people who turned up however, I thought it would be best to have one large group for the first service. This went well, and the discussion actually went on for longer than the allocated 20 minutes! We then closed with a song by Casting Crowns - Who am I?.

There were a few things which went wrong, including the lyrics not being displayed through the projector, me not being able to memorise what I was going to say, due to lack of time, and also underestimating the time needed to set up. However, two people who had never set foot in a church before came, and from what I saw and heard, enjoyed the service, and will come back next time, so in my eyes, it was more than a success!

Because I know the people who mainly read this, thank you to everybody who has prayed for either Re:Generation, or me, God was really in this, and I'm sure will continue to be.

I'll be adding a sound clip to this post tomorrow, after I've had time to edit and post it.