Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Going to Hell and back

On Sunday night, the youth from Grays Chapel went to 'Trip TO Hell' - a place where people try to show you what it's like to go to hell.

We started off by getting introduced to a girl, who would lead us through her life by taking us to different places in the field where the 'Trip TO Hell' was based. We started with the girl introducing us to a sketch where her parents were having an argument which turns violent. This was to show how in a lot of cases, young people decide to go the wrong direction in life because of situations in their family.

She then took us to a sketch where her best friend was having an abortion. Her friend didn't want to go through with it, but she was persuaded otherwise. Because of this, her best friend never talked to her again.

She then took us to a sketch where she had found some new friends, and they decided to use an Ouija board. This then followed with a 'demon' appearing, which stuck by her in all future sketches.

Next was a sketch where she was at a party, and one of her friends got raped - despite her being able to stop it.

She then took us to a sketch where one of her ex boyfriends decided to commit suicide because of something she said to him.

After this, she comes to some crossroads, where down the path she took, she saw Jesus walking with the cross past her, and as he passes her, he says 'this is for you'. She decides this is the wrong path, and heads down the other one, where she boards a plane. The plane gets into trouble and crashes, killing everybody.

The next scene was of her being judged by God. He says because of her decisions in life, she's going to hell. We then follow her into a small room. This sketch, although very little happened in it, was very powerful, as it goes back through her life, showing us all the places where Satan influenced her. After this, the creator of 'Trip TO Hell' came in and prayed with us.

What happened in these sketches was performed brilliantly, and was very powerful at the time - it's just very hard to write down what happened, but at least you have an idea.

After this, we split into groups, where someone prayed with us and asked us a few questions about our faith. Turned out the guy who was leading my group lives about 2 hours away from me!

The whole night was great, and from the impression I got from everybody, it gave people a lot to think about regarding the choices they make in their life and the consequences because of them.


Pat said...

Wow Chris, it sounds powerful enough reading it, it must have been awesome to have actually taken part. It would certainly make us think about decisions we make and the consequences not only in our own lives but in the lives of all those we come into contact with.
Continue writing and letting us know whats going on - its sooooo exciting!
So was the guy English, does he live about 2 hours away from here or there? ;o) xxx

Anonymous said...

He lives in Llandudno! He came over here a few years ago, and ended up marrying a girl here

Mandy said...

Just don't think you can do the same or i'll stop your pocket money.XXX

Mandy said...

Sounds like really good stuff you're involved with there.It makes you stop and think doesn't it that everything we do and everything we say has a consequence. Hope you're taking loads of photos and videos so that we can all see what you've experience when you get home.

stephen wibberley said...

Ignore what your mum says, I'll pay your pocket money until you're 35.

Anonymous said...

It's official, I'm getting pocket money until I'm 35!